The Ten things you must know before choosing the perfect family photographer in Hilton Head is part of an ongoing series
So here I am. Back again to dispel wisdom, as little as I have, on the one (and only) topic that I know the most about. Photography. And today specifically more about family photography and what you need to do as a client to prepare you and your family for the best experience possible and end up with incredible family portraits. Keep in mind this is just another in the series that I am creating. To see them all you can take a peek here. There are just too many things to put in one post. Keep in mind that although it may come across as a bit tongue and cheek, they are all valid and useful points that come from years and years of me capturing family portraits here in Hilton Head, Bluffton, Palmetto Bluff, and Savannah.

Taking Snaps!
We all know that everyone is taking snaps on their iPhone daily and that they brand themselves as photographers. But we also know that there is a difference between a selfie and curating family photographs with a professional that will become an iconic part of history. What you curate for your family to tell their story is something that is passed down to posterity.
If you missed the last blog that discussed the differences, both the positives and negatives, to help you make the decision between studio or location photography, you can read it all here. And the follow-up blog on the Best Time to Shoot Your Family Portrait is here. It’s helpful in aiding in the decision of what would be the best fit for your family.
So let’s get started and answer some of the most common questions that I get asked as a family and portrait photographer in Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Savannah.
Here we go with “Ask me anything!“

What’s up with Google Reviews? Are they really important?
What’s up with Google Reviews? Are they really important?
The short answer is an emphatic YES! The long answer is an even more emphatic YESSSS!

Let me expand. You may be looking at a plethora of family photographers. Their websites and their Instagrams. Maybe you have even seen them dancing and pointing on their TikTok and Instagram Reels and they have some great moves. But how does that translate over to what they can do for you? Do you necessarily need a dancing and pointing photographer?
Do you really need a dancing and pointing TikTok influencer to photograph your family?

While the vibe of a dancing family photographer might seem like fun and it’s important to have a creative family portrait curated by someone who is personable, enigmatic, and entertaining, the buck stops with that combined with their final product.

Don’t judge me! But Google reviews are a big deal
As a consumer, I’ve got to be honest and tell you that I rarely leave a Google review. Now, wait right there, and don’t judge me. I mean to. I could have had an amazing experience and thought, “Gosh darn it. That was incredible and I want to share this experience with other people so that they can enjoy the same”. And then I go home and get distracted by the millions of other things that I mean to do. Does this sound familiar?

We all know that your kids are the cutest. Let’s take their photos!
As an entrepreneur, I’m going to tell you that maybe I should consider karma and give other people more Google reviews. It’s hard to get one. So that when you do read someone’s Google reviews, know that those people were really, really, really moved and made it a priority to do it and not get distracted. You can learn a lot from reading them regarding what the experience will be and the follow-through. It’s more than just seeing a couple of pretty pics. You need to do some research and make sure that it’s not going to be like a bad blind date or Tinder meet-up that disappoints from start to finish. Check out the Google reviews for your family portrait photographer.

And don’t forget to make sure you take some great couples photos!
I know that’s a lot of information, so I’m going to give you a break to digest all of that super heady photographer education. Well, in reality, I’m at my word count for the night and going to break this out into another blog so that you are left with this cliffhanger and will have to wait for the next big release date for the upcoming blog.

What’s upcoming in the next family photography blogs? Glad you asked. We are going to cover-
What’s upcoming in the next family photography blogs? Glad you asked. We are going to cover-
- What and who is actually the OG
- Payback isn’t a bitch
- How to embarrass your kids because it’s finally time to turn the tables.
- Understanding pricing and comparing apples to apples and not apples to grapes
- Priorities
- Let’s get vibing and how to vibe
- Ooooohhh! So you have a Pinterest board
- Pretty as a picture

All this and more in the next upcoming blog from Lisa Staff Photography where you will find all of the trivia and information that you need to make your family photoshoot a success. Not just here in the Lowcountry. But it sure doesn’t hurt to know these things in Hilton Head Island.
And here is one more tip if you are coming to Hilton Head and want sunset photos on the beach with the sun setting over the ocean…. It doesn’t happen on that side of the island. It’s only sunrise. Even I can’t fix that in Photoshop!
Be sure to check out all of my other work besides just family photography in Hilton Head and the Lowcountry. I’m a content creator that loves capturing a life well lived and loved, and spend my time curating family portraits, weddings, lifestyle, proposals, engagement, and design. Basically all of the pretty things. I can’t help it!
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